Dark Clouds

My many faults (Social media isn’t real)

I am penny-wise and pound foolish.  I take nearly everything personally.  I am simultaneously too hard on myself (not enough grace) and too lenient (not enough discipline to finish things and take risks).  Oh yeah, I am so over-the-top risk averse.  I judge people all the time.  I don’t place enough value on my time.  […]

My many faults (Social media isn’t real) Read More »

Blog, Dark Clouds, Inspiring, It will be okay

Those who carry jumper cables

I had just finished a beautiful and exhausting hike yesterday a little before 1PM.  I was driving out from the trailhead beginning the five mile treacherous pot-hole dodging trek back down a forest road. Imagine if we actually allocated a few bucks from each of us to maintain the roads to access these national treasures? 

Those who carry jumper cables Read More »

Blog, Dark Clouds, It will be okay, Travel With Me

Trauma is inherited

Trauma is inherited.  You and I are still processing the pains of our forebearers.  The pogroms and famines and wars and alcoholism and infidelity and sexual trauma and paper-cuts and bear attacks and everything else that everyone that came before you experienced is being processed in you and me as we type and read this. 

Trauma is inherited Read More »

Blog, Dark Clouds, How Stuff Works, Inspiring, It will be okay
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